Various Farm Power Sources to Use in Agriculture & Horticulture

There are different sources of Farm power.

  • Human power
  • Animal power
  • Electrical power
  • Mechanical power
  • Renewable energy

Human Power

Human power is the primary source for running small equipment and tools at the farm. Static activity such as chaff slicing, threshing, lifting, water, and so forth also are carried out employing labour. An average person can produce a maximum strength of about 0.1 hp for doing agricultural activities.

Animal power

the force produced by a pair of bullocks about 1HP for usual agrarian works. Bullocks are engaged in every kind of farm work throughout the year. Other than bullocks, different animals like camels, buffaloes, horses, donkeys, buffaloes, and elephants also are used at a few locations. The average load, an animal, can take is nearly one-tenth of its body weight.

Mechanical Power

Mechanical power includes immovable oil engines, intercultivator, tractors, self-propelled reapers. An internal combustion engine is a useful tool for changing liquid fuel into beneficial paintings (mechanical work).

There are two types of engines they are:

  1. Spark ignition engines
  2. Compression ignition engines

Electrical Power

Electrical power is used mostly in the form of electrical motors in the agriculture field. Electrical machines are beneficial for farmers. As the machines run smoothly, the operational cost is constant throughout its life, and the maintenance is needed less attention and care. Electrical appliances are used in the dairy industry, water pumping, farm product processing, and many other things.

Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is the power obtained from the sources of sun, wind Etc. They are used for domestic purposes and in agriculture fields with suitable machines. Renewable energy can be utilized for lighting, water heating, water pumping, food processing, and electric generation.

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